
2014 October 23

Kick-off Martinique

With all suppliers involved at Sofinters headquarters outside Milan the developer ALBIOMA announced a Kick-Off of the new project at Martinique. Very pleasing! The paper work with the French Energy Ministry is principally finished. Sofinter S.p.a. is the parent company of Macchi and Ansaldo Caldaie, both major boiler manufacturers but with slightly different profiles. ALBIOMA has agreed with Sofinter that Ansaldo Caldaie instead of previously Macchi will be primarily responsible for boiler construction. This castling means nothing for ECOMB, our business deal around 20 MSEK is fixed. The pre-engineering study of 1.5 MSEK, where computer simulations of the combustion process with the fuels hard coal, wood pellets and bagasse in the new boiler were carried out, provided the expected results and is now finished. The overall project time schedule states a boiler ready for start of operation in December 2016, in other words a full year delay compared to the original schedule. An exciting time is ahead of us!

För ytterligare information, kontakta:
Ulf Hagström VD
ECOMB AB (publ)
Telefon: 070 - 606 63 33

Kort om ECOMB AB (publ)
ECOMBs affärsidé är att sälja det patenterade Ecotube-systemet, som minskar utsläppen av kväveoxider (NOx), svaveloxider (SOx) och koloxid (CO) från pannor inom fjärrvärme- och industrisektorn. Ecotube-systemet används i pannor som eldas med kol, avfall och biobränsle. Sedan starten har Ecotube-systemet installerats i ett trettiotal anläggningar. Ecotube-systemet har hittills sålts till kunder i USA, Frankrike, England, Holland och Sverige. ECOMB grundades 1992 och företaget är baserat i Södertälje.